Automatically close jobs
Automatically close a job on a certain date and take control of your time. Simply pick the date you’d like to close the job for applications in the job settings and we’ll take care of the rest.
New: Auto-closing jobs
The new auto-close job feature will disable an application form on a set day, preventing candidates from applying. It will also remove the job post from your career page and from any other integrations you have set up through Homerun. This gives you and your team the time you need to focus on applicants and setting up the next steps of the recruitment process.

New: Four job states
We’ve reorganised the job states a little bit, bringing the total to four different job states:
- A public job is active. It’s visible on your career page and integrations, and candidates are able to apply. You’ll probably use this state the most, as it allows all candidates to apply to an open job.
- A private job is also active, but only visible with a specific URL which candidates can use to apply.
- A closed job is also active, but only for you and your hiring team. It’s not visible on your career page, so candidates won’t be able to apply via the page or the URL. You and the hiring team will be able to manage candidates and continue the hiring process.
- An archived job is inactive, which means it’s not visible on your career page or from any of the integrations. Candidates won’t be able to apply, but you and your team also won’t be able to manage candidates from that job.

The auto-close job feature is available now on all Homerun plans. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know by sending an email to support@homerun.co.