
Expand the reach of your job openings and access a larger pool of qualified candidates by integrating with the global job search platform Indeed.


Indeed is a job search engine that connects job seekers with employers worldwide. With millions of active users, it offers a vast talent pool and powerful search capabilities to help candidates find relevant job opportunities.

How it works

This integration allows you to auto-share your published jobs with Indeed so that they’re automatically added to the Indeed database. With an XML feed link generated from your Homerun account, you can easily provide Indeed with the necessary information to display your active job posts on their website. The XML feed is updated automatically, ensuring that any changes or updates made to your job listings, such as creating a new job, modifying an existing one or closing a position, are reflected on the Indeed job board. This eliminates the need for manual job posting and ensures that your job listings remain up-to-date and visible to a broad audience of job seekers on Indeed.

Helpful links

To learn more about the Homerun x Indeed integration, visit our Help Center article and this blog update.

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