
How Dopper uses Homerun to build a talent pool of lasting candidate connections.

Homerun's ATS has made hiring a team sport for Dopper, as they build genuine and long-lasting relationships with their candidates.

Isabel Machielse

Isabel Machielse
People & Culture Coordinator

Picture of the team at Dopper

Meet Dopper

Dutch brand Dopper produces reusable water bottles with a mission to eliminate single-use plastic bottles.


People hired
in last year


per job post


in total


Managing many applications is easy with Homerun's clear overview

Before Homerun: Email inbox overflowing with candidate applications.

Being such a beloved brand, Dopper receives a lot of open applications from candidates eager to join their mission to eliminate single-use plastic in the world. According to Isabel, "before we used Homerun, the inbox was overflowing with open applications. This made it really difficult to save these open applications for future use. It also wasn't a GDPR-friendly process, so we needed a better solution.”

With Homerun: An organized talent pool of applicants.

Now, Dopper has a permanent "open application" job post on their Homerun career page. When new candidates apply, they get an automatic response, letting them know they'll be contacted if the right position opens up. "This way, we manage expectations and ensure every candidate gets a reply. Plus, we’re able to fill open roles from this talent pool of open applications,” says Isabel. “In Homerun, we tag each candidate, so when a new job opens, we can easily find candidates who could be a fit. We've been able to hire team members and fill roles this way.”

Screenshot of Dopper career page

An "open application" job opening allows Dopper to build and grow their talent pool.

Isabel Machielse

"I can't imagine how I could get an overview of our hiring process without a system like Homerun." —Isabel, People & Culture Coordinator


Tools to build and maintain valuable relationships with candidates

Dopper uses Homerun to build and nurture authentic connections with candidates. "We often get repeat candidates, and it's invaluable to be able to look back at their previous job application and remember their qualities and reasons for moving forward or not,” says Isabel. “This information is stored in candidate notes in Homerun. It allows us to give them a personalized experience, which candidates always really appreciate."

Isabel Machielse

"We're able to offer candidates a personal and bespoke hiring process with Homerun." —Isabel

Conversation between a hiring manager and a candidate in Homerun’s ATS.

With the candidate overview, you can keep track of and communicate with repeat candidates.


Hiring is a shared responsibility for the whole Dopper team

Homerun has truly made hiring a team sport for Isabel and the rest of the Dopper team. "Without Homerun, our recruitment process would be chaotic, especially because we hire as a team," says Isabel. Dopper includes two to three people per new job opening and Isabel oversees the process but shares responsibility with hiring managers. "You don't need to be an HR pro or even a Homerun pro to use Homerun. It's so easy that anyone on the team can create a job post or find what they need in the candidate overview."

Isabel Machielse

"You don't have to work in HR or be a pro to do recruitment — Homerun makes it simple for everyone on our team." —Isabel

Gif of the Kanban style overview page in Homerun, with candidates and the hiring stages.

Example of the Kanban style overview page with candidates and each hiring stage.

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